Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The study is focusing on Sea cucumbers, and extensive research on sea cucumber has been explored as sources of medical component, therapeutic value. Subsequently, the research interest in sea cucumbers as a source of pharmacological agents was initiated since widely utilized as a tradisional remedy for hypertension, asthma, sinums, rheumatism, cuts, and burns. This long standing practices need to be analyzed scientifically.

Sea cucumber is considered a delicacy especially in Asians. Although Americans didn't often think of sea cucumbers as a food, they can provide a valuable protein boost for those who need it. However, traditional medicine in Portland, Oregon, sea cucumbers are evaluated as higher in protein than almost any other food, except for egg whites. The general trends even in America are being what attract the most interest to research on the benefits of sea cucumber and their extract is still preliminary in 2010. The Harvard School of Public Health states that people in the United States Typically get 15 percent of their caloric intake from protein, but boosting this to 20 to 25 percent can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For over many centuries, sea cucumbers have been used in traditional Chinese food medicine to treat a number of health care issues, including fatique, impotence and joint pain associated with these conditions. Sea cucumbers also contain high levels of chondroitin sulfate, a major component of cartilage. The loss of Chondroitin sulfate is associated with arthritis, and taking sea cucumber extract may help to reduce the joint pain associated with this condition. Sea cucumbers also contains anti-inflammatory compounds, and known to facilitate internal healing, and rehabilitation after a clinical surgery, it is also credited to possess similar aphrodisia powers.

Though the study is preliminary, toothpaste made with sea cucumber extract was shown to improve healing in patient who had undergone treatment for gum disease. The toothpaste was formulated to take advantage of the sea cucumber's wound - healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which have been recognized both in traditional healing modalities and modern researchers. The study, reported in the journal of Oral Science, involved 28 volunteers who either brushed teeth with sea cucumber toothpaste or with toothpaste that was identical except for the extract. By the end of three month trial, patients who had gotten the sea cucumber toothpaste showed a significant reduction in bleeding, swelling and the depth of periodontal pockets when compared to the control group.

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