Friday, February 6, 2015


Sea Cucumbers Increase Immunity

A high amount of good-quality protein in sea cucumber is linked with its beneficial effects on serum triglyceride levels. Sea cucumber protein, especially produced from body wall, is rich in glycine, glutamic acid and arginine. Glycine can stimulate production and release of IL-2 and B cell antibody and thus contributes to enhancing phagocytosis. Glycine and glutamic acid are essential components for cells to synthesize glutathione which can stimulate activation and proliferation of NK cell. Arginine can enhance cell immunity by promoting activation and proliferation of T-cell. Due to these amino acid components, sea cucumbers have remarkable function in immune regulation. A major proportion (ca. 70 percent) of sea cucumber body wall protein is comprised of collagen. Collagen is recognized as a valued component in the connective tissues, due to its usefulness and specific distribution. It can be further converted into gelatin by boiling, to act as a functional bioactive substance.

Considerable amounts of phenolics and free radical scavengers have also been determined in sea cucumbers. Athunibat et al investigated that aqueous extract derived from sea cucumbers (Holothuria leucospilota, Holothuria scabra, Stichopus chlorontus) contain significantly higher amounts of total phenolics (4.85–9.70 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g dw) than the organic extracts (1.53–2.90 mg GAE/g dw). Similarly, in another study by Mamelona et al, total pheols and flavonoids contents in different parts including digestive tract, gonads, muscles, and respiratory apparatus of sea cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa, varied from 22.5 to 236.0 mg GEA/g dw, and 2.9 to 59.8 mg rutin equivalent/g dw, respectively. Acetonitrile-rich fractions and ethyl acetate extracts from digestive tract and water-rich fractions and water extracts from muscles and respiratory apparatus showed the highest amount of total phenols. Among extracts and fractions, acetonitrile-rich fractions exhibited the highest content of phenols for all the tested tissues. As far as the total flavonoids is concerned, the water-rich and acetonitrile-rich fractions from gonads, while water extracts from digestive track and ethyl acetate extracts from muscle and digestive tract have highest levels, among others.

There are a series of other bioactive and antiagent substances in sea cucumbers, such as triterpene glycosides, enzymes, amyloses, fatty acids, cytotoxins, etc. with potential capabilities to increase immunity, resist tumor and cruor, protect nerve tissue, ease pain and resist epiphyte as well as contribute to immunopotentiation, anticancer and anticoagulation.



Sea cucumbers are marine animals and they are used in fresh or dried form in various cuisines. Most cultures in East and Southeast Asia regard sea cucumbers as a delicacy. In some cultural contexts the sea cucumber is thought to have medicinal value.

The pacific sea cucumber (Stichopus species and other members of the family Holothurioidea) has been revered by Chinese cooks since ancient times. In particular, sea cucumber meals have been offered on special occasions, especially New Year celebrations. An ancient Confucian recipe, translated roughly as "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" and made with sea cucumber, shark's fin, and 5 kinds of fish and shellfish, is one of the classic banquet dishes. The sea cucumber is valued-along with several other delicacies, such as shark's fin, ginseng, cordyceps, and tremella-as a disease preventive and longevity tonic. It was listed as a medicinal agent in the Bencao Congxin (New Compilation of Materia Medica) by Wu Yiluo in 1757. The popular Chinese name for sea cucumber is haishen, which means, roughly, ginseng of the sea. It is often known in medical literature as fangcishen (fang = four-sided, ci = thorny; referring to the spiky protrusions that emanate from four sides) or, in abbreviated form, fangshen.
The Asian demand for sea cucumber has been so high that these have been collected from the U.S. and other countries (e.g., Australia, Philipines) to get an adequate supply. The Atlantic sea cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa, has been collected primarily for food, but has recently been researched as a source of medicinal components, thanks to the efforts of Coastside Bio Resources in Maine, headed by Peter Collin.

Sea Cucumber with Bailing Mushroom


Wednesday, February 4, 2015




Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Sea cucumbers have potent anti-inflammatory effects, which may help alleviate pain in patients with conditions such as arthritis. A study by Malaysian scientists that was published in October 2011 in “Marine Drugs” found that sea cucumber supplements reduced inflammation in both male and female rats. This sea animal contains compounds such as mucopolysaccharides, chondroitin and glucosamine, which can help relieve arthritis disorders. Such compounds help in the regulation of the balance of certain lipids known as prostaglandins. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis usually have high concentrations of certain prostaglandins, according to a study published in 2008 in the “American College of Rheumatology.”


Sea Cucumber: A Natural Arthritis Treatment

Although I don't know why the exact biochemical mechanism sea cucumber (sold in the United States under the name "Marine Care" works), I have seen some remarkable clinical results in my practice. Since these inflammatory as well as degenerative conditions fall under the category of "oxidative stress" conditions, the possibility that sea cucumber has some anti-oxidant effect cannot be overlooked. As previously mentioned, sea cucumber has been shown to be effective in reducing the pain and inflammation seen in the arthritic and traumatized patient.
It has been my experience that in acute conditions the dosage should be 500 mg. of sea cucumber taken 4x/day. After about 7-10 or as symptoms diminish, the dosage can be maintained at 500 mg. 2x/day.

The following serves as a list of conditions that have responded favorably to the administration of sea cucumber. Sea cucumber has been shown in studies to reduce blood pressure, help in the healing of ulcers, joint pain to include injury to soft tissue as well as joint trauma, bursitis, prostatitis, and lower back pain to include sciatica.

I have reviewed my files to include some interesting case where sea cucumber has been shown to be effective.
Patient #1: 63-year-old white male teacher with 15 year history of bilateral knee pain. Unable to stand long periods of time or walk without extreme pain. Some swelling found bilaterally, tender to touch. Patient had been on anti-inflammatory medications on and off, presently taking Tylenol as per need. No other supplementation except a daily multiple. Placed on sea cucumber (4x/day), within 14 days, patient reported 50 percent improvement in symptoms, able to walk 15 blocks without pain. Notes decreased swelling and increased range of motion.

Patient #2: 58-year-old female with right-sided hand and finger pain. Unable to clench hand or hold anything in the hand without pain. Some weakness in the hand. Redness and swelling in several fingers of the hand. She had been taking a wide variety of pain medications to include NSAIDs at the time of her visit. Previous diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with DJD at C4, C5. She was placed on a rotational diet which included the removal of wheat and dairy from here diet, and taking sea cucumber 4x/day. I'm glad to say that as of this writing she reports a 75 percent improvement in her pain. Dynamometer grip strength shows a marked improvement.

Patient #3: 27-year-old-male, executive banker, works out a least three times a week at local health club; jogs, loves to bike. Presented with lower back pain with right sided sciatica. X-rays indicate early DJD at L4, L5. Sea cucumber was added to his regime of spinal manipulation. Pain free within four days of taking the sea cucumber.

It is my opinion that sea cucumber offers pain relief in a fast, nontoxic way. It should be considered by all physicians who not only treat musculoskeletal conditions, but deal with people in pain.

Howard Benedikt, DC, MS


Sea Cucumber: Food and Medicine

by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon

Sea cucumber, having a cartilagenous body, serves as a rich source of mucopolysaccharides, mainly chondroitin sulfate, which is well-known for its ability to reduce arthritis pain, especially that of osteoarthritis As little as 3 grams per day of the dried sea cucumber has been helpful in significantly reducing arthralgia. Chondroitin's action is similar to that of glucosamine sulfate, the main building block of chondroitin.

Russian, Japanese, and Chinese studies reveal that sea cucumbers also contain saponins (triterpene glycosides). These compounds have a structure similar to the active constituents of ginseng, ganoderma, and other famous tonic herbs. Pharmacology studies indicate anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties of the sea cucumber saponins.

In addition, the sea cucumber oil contains two anti-inflammatory fractions. One fraction has fatty acids characteristic of those found in fish; they can be used as a substitute for fish oil in reducing inflammatory byproducts of fat metabolism, and to nourish the brain and heart. The main compounds of interest in fish oil are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid also found in sea cucumber, and DHA (docosahaenoic acid), unique to fish:

The other oil fraction is a mixture of branched chain fatty acids, mainly 12-MTA (methyltetradecanoic acid). This compound, and the more widely studied variant, 13-MTA, are potent inhibitors of the 5-LOX (lypoxygenase) enzyme system. 5-LOX inhibitors are one of the key areas of modern drug development, with plans evolving to use the compounds in treatment of asthma, ulcerative colitis, and arthritis. In addition, cancer-inhibiting effects have been observed in preliminary studies with prostate cancer cell lines and other human cancer cells These fatty acids are thought to be produced by bacteria that live within the sea cucumbers; they are also produced by bacteria in other marine organisms, such as sponges and tunicates.




The study is focusing on Sea cucumbers, and extensive research on sea cucumber has been explored as sources of medical component, therapeutic value. Subsequently, the research interest in sea cucumbers as a source of pharmacological agents was initiated since widely utilized as a tradisional remedy for hypertension, asthma, sinums, rheumatism, cuts, and burns. This long standing practices need to be analyzed scientifically.

Sea cucumber is considered a delicacy especially in Asians. Although Americans didn't often think of sea cucumbers as a food, they can provide a valuable protein boost for those who need it. However, traditional medicine in Portland, Oregon, sea cucumbers are evaluated as higher in protein than almost any other food, except for egg whites. The general trends even in America are being what attract the most interest to research on the benefits of sea cucumber and their extract is still preliminary in 2010. The Harvard School of Public Health states that people in the United States Typically get 15 percent of their caloric intake from protein, but boosting this to 20 to 25 percent can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For over many centuries, sea cucumbers have been used in traditional Chinese food medicine to treat a number of health care issues, including fatique, impotence and joint pain associated with these conditions. Sea cucumbers also contain high levels of chondroitin sulfate, a major component of cartilage. The loss of Chondroitin sulfate is associated with arthritis, and taking sea cucumber extract may help to reduce the joint pain associated with this condition. Sea cucumbers also contains anti-inflammatory compounds, and known to facilitate internal healing, and rehabilitation after a clinical surgery, it is also credited to possess similar aphrodisia powers.

Though the study is preliminary, toothpaste made with sea cucumber extract was shown to improve healing in patient who had undergone treatment for gum disease. The toothpaste was formulated to take advantage of the sea cucumber's wound - healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which have been recognized both in traditional healing modalities and modern researchers. The study, reported in the journal of Oral Science, involved 28 volunteers who either brushed teeth with sea cucumber toothpaste or with toothpaste that was identical except for the extract. By the end of three month trial, patients who had gotten the sea cucumber toothpaste showed a significant reduction in bleeding, swelling and the depth of periodontal pockets when compared to the control group.


Sea Cucumber Kills Cancer Cells with Amazing Efficiency
by Cindy Murdoch

Sea cucumber can be beneficial in the battle against cancer by killing cancer cells and stimulating the immune system.

What is a sea cucumber?

Consider the lowly sea cucumber. No it is not a vegetable although its name may suggest otherwise. It is a marine creature that lives all over the world on the ocean’s floor, especially in the Indian and western Pacific oceans. It is related to the sea urchin and the starfish. Shaped like a cucumber, hence the name, it looks more like a giant worm, especially since the majority of sea cucumbers have rows of tube feet running down the length of their body. There are over 1000 known species of sea cucumbers with some reaching 72 inches (180 cm) in length!

Sea cucumber, a delicacy used in Asian cooking, is safe for human consumption. It is usually dried and sold in markets as trepang or beche-de-mer.
It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to treat joint pain and arthritis (it is a rich source of chondroitin sulfate) and other inflammatory diseases, impotence, fatigue, frequent urination, constipation and as a longevity treatment.

The sea cucumber and cancer research

In 2011, Chicago’s Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center researchers studied the effects of sea cucumber extract on human pancreatic cancer cells. They quickly discovered that sea cucumber was able to stop cancer cells from spreading and it in fact activated apoptosis (cell death) – cancer cells were dying within five minutes of exposure to the extract! This lead the researchers to recommend using sea cucumber extract in the treatment and the prevention of pancreatic cancer.
Since then, in vitro studies have shown that the fatty acids and sapiens found in sea cucumber prohibits metastasizing behavior preventing the formation of new tumors, prohibits a tumor from creating new blood vessels to feed itself, and induces apoptosis (cell death) at very high rates. Additionally sea cucumber demonstrated the ability to activate the immune system’s killer cells to attack breast cancer cells. Since this was an immune response, sea cucumber may be effective in the treatment of all cancers.
Previous research on sea cucumbers has validated its capabilities for killing breast, lung, skin, colon, prostate, liver and pancreatic cancer cells. Frondoside A, a component of the sea cucumber, is believed to be a powerfully key component in the battle against cancer. Recent studies have shown it has shown that frondoside A “can kill 95% of ER+ breast cancer cells, 95% of liver cancer cells, 90% of melanoma cells, and 85-88% of three different types of lung cancer.” Some studies have even shown frondoside A to be as effective as chemotherapy but without any side effects.
Sea cucumber extract can be purchased as a dietary supplement at most health food stores and Asian markets. It may be a single ingredient dietary supplement or compounded with other ingredients in a formulation. The liquid extract is often a part of a joint formula, but tablets consisting of pressed ground, dried sea cucumber are generally available.
Contraindications: Do not take sea cucumber in any form if you have an allergy to seafood, or if you are taking anticoagulants as it may act as a blood thinner.

Why the sea cucumber might be a winner in the battle against cancer

At first glance sea cucumbers appear to be totally defenseless. However, when they feel threatened, they can violently contract their bodies, literally turning themselves inside out, expelling a large part of their insides including organs and intestines. The organs contain a toxic substance that is lethal to fish and other marine creatures. The sea cucumber is then able to regenerate these expelled organs and body parts within a few months. This regenerative power may be what makes the lowly sea cucumber a winner in the fight against cancer.


Sea cucumber extract kills 95 percent of breast cancer cells and shrinks lung tumors
by Ethan Evers

A new study has shown that sea cucumber extract kills up to 95 percent of breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 88 percent of lung cancer cells in vitro. The extract also stimulates the immune system against cancer and impedes key processes required for metastasis. While the science behind this is very new to Western medicine, the sea cucumber has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Sea cucumber extracts potently kill multiple cancer cell lines
In previous studies, extracts of sea cucumber have demonstrated potent cytotoxicity against pancreatic, lung, prostate, colon, breast, skin and liver cancer cells as well as leukemia and gioblastoma. Researchers have identified a key compound responsible for sea cucumber's anti-cancer properties: a triterpenoid known as frondoside A.

A new study has now confirmed the anti-cancer effects of frondoside A at a whole new level. In the lab, it has killed up to 95 percent of ER+ breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 85-88 percent of three different lines of lung cancer. But the benefits of this compound don't just stop at directly inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). It also inhibits angiogenesis (the ability of tumors to grow new blood vessels to get their food) and stops cancer metastasizing by impeding cell migration and invasion. Even more intriguing is the ability of frondoside A to activate our immune system's natural killer cells to attack

cells. This has been shown for breast cancer in particular but may also apply to all cancers, because it involves the immune system and not cancer cells directly. This may partially explain why frondoside A was so effective at shrinking lung tumors in mice that it rivaled chemo drugs in performance.

Lung tumor shrinkage that rivals chemo drugs - without the side effects

Frondoside A is potently cytotoxic to three different types of lung cancer in vitro, including NCI-H460Luc2, LNM35 (non-small cell lung cancer) and A459 (epithelial adenocarcinoma). And when given to mice with xenografted human non-small cell lung cancer, it shrank the tumors by 40 percent in 10 days. This compares very well with the shrinkage of 47 percent obtained with a standard chemo drug. But the similarities between the two compounds stop there. The chemo drug used in this study is known to damage DNA and carry potent negative side effects, such as kidney damage and immunosuppression, and it may actually induce leukemia in the patient. Frondoside A, however, actually stimulates the immune system, potently kills leukemia cells and produced no visible side effects in the mice, according to the researchers - all at a fraction of the price of chemo. But the most impressive part of this study was that this was achieved at a very small dose of frondoside A - equivalent to less than a single milligram for an adult human weighing 75 kilograms. It is also noteworthy that frondoside A given together with the chemo drug shrank the tumor by a remarkable 68 percent.

The future of sea cucumber as a natural medicine for cancer

Sea cucumber extract is a highly promising natural medicine for cancer. There are currently two clinical trials using it (with other natural extracts) against myeloma and multiple myeloma, but more trials against breast and lung cancer are clearly called for, as a start. In the meantime, dried and powdered sea cucumber is available in North America in over-the-counter health supplements aimed at inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis), because sea cucumber also happens to be a rich source of chondroitin.


Sea Cucumber Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth
by Alina Jagger

Researchers at the Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center in Chicago found out that seas-cucumber inhibits cancer cell growth.

The research study conducted in Chicago showed various effects of the sea cucumber extract on human body like its effect on the growth inhibition and death in the human pancreatic cells. It was observed that sea cucumbers stopped the spreading of the cancer cells as well as assisted in killing them. This effect took place five minutes after they were exposed to the sea cucumber extract. It was found that this extract led to cell cycle arrest and death of the cells in the pancreas. This extract is can be eaten and is non-toxic and therefore it can be used as a nutritional therapy and in the prevention of the pancreatic cancer.




  • Packaging - 20kg/box
  • Country of Origin - USA
  • Manufacturer's Co. - USA
  • Storage Area - USA
  • Yearly Production - Frozen Sea Cucumbers (200 tons/year), Dried Sea Cucumbers (30 tons/year)
  • Manufacturer's Agent - POSC, INC.
  • FOB Price - Negotiable
  • Contact No. - Tel: (323) 265-7000, Fax: (323)265-9900, Email:

  • Packaging - 20kg/box
  • Country of Origin - Mexico
  • Manufacturer's Co. - Mexico
  • Storage Area - USA
  • Yearly Production - Frozen Sea Cucumbers (200 tons/year), Dried Sea Cucumbers (50 tons/year)
  • Manufacturer's Agent - POSC, INC.
  • FOB Price - Negotiable
  • Contact No. - Tel: (323) 265-7000, Fax: (323)265-9900, Email:


  • Packaging - 30kg/box
  • Country of Origin - USA & Canada
  • Manufacturer's Co. - USA & Canada
  • Storage Area - USA
  • Manufacturer's Agent - POSC, INC.
  • FOB Price - Negotiable
  • Contact No. - Tel: (323) 265-7000, Fax: (323)265-9900, Email: 

    coming soon
    • Type: Powdery Sea Cucumber powdery nutritional compound
    • Formulation: To help repair and maintain anti-inflammatory, health connective tissue, and to promote collagen production of joint lining. 
    • Therapeutic properties: Arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and connective tissue or joint line repair.
    Should you have any questions, please contact us at:
    POSC, INC.
    Tel: (323) 265-7000